WebWek is a platform for businesses to get their digital footprint. WebWek has been offering executive solutions to different business needs. It is a B2B model. Web Weck develops software solutions for increasing the productivity of client businesses and meeting their growing and changing needs.
DIVSYNC wanted to strike a balance between focusing on product engineering for improved conversion rates for business and identifying ‘Customer Intent’. WebWek has an audience of catering enterprise-based industrial development needs. The business wanted more customers traffic to their website and an engaging web design getting directly to answering customers needs. DIVSYNC helped them redesign and re-developing the WebWek website for increasing customer engagement. For this, DIVSYNC’s designing and development team worked closely with the product development team at WebWek.
A LinkedIn marketing campaign was launched to gather customers’ interest in similar services. The website design is kept simple for relating to persona’s being tech-savvy or not. Users can see all services listed on WebWek on the main page. The navigation controls the user’s journey to find the type of service they have been looking for and, if interested in using any CTA, getting the opportunity of booking a live free consultation.
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